CLS Honored in Congressional Record for 125 Years of Service

CLS Honored in Congressional Record for 125 Years of Service

We are thrilled to announce that U.S. Representative Bill Huizenga, has officially commemorated CLS’s 125-year milestone of serving Michigan businesses in the US Congressional Record. This honor from the U.S. Congress is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our incredible team members.

What is the Congressional Record?

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It documents the daily activities, speeches, and decisions made on the floor of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Such recognitions are a part of the official record of Congressional proceedings, serving to honor notable contributions and achievements within communities and across the nation.

CLS Congressional Record

Some of the Key Highlights from Congressman Huizenga:

  • Fourth-Generation Family Business: Proudly family-owned and operated.
  • Dedicated Workforce: Employing 240 people company-wide, with 173 employees in Kalamazoo. In 2023 alone, their payroll exceeded $13 million.
  • Statewide Presence: Operating from 6 locations across Michigan, serving over 7,000 customers in food service, hospitality, medical, and industrial sectors.
  • Recent Expansion: A $7 million investment in plant expansion, adding 11,000 square feet of production space.
  • Community Event: Hosted over 270 people at a minor league baseball game in Kalamazoo in June, including the honor of throwing the first pitch to celebrate 125 years.
  • Artistic Tribute: Unveiled a commemorative Mural in June, designed and painted by a talented WMU students.
  • Historical Outreach: Distributed a unique Michigan Map to CLS Customers, Communities and Team Members, celebrating CLS rich history and timeline in Michigan.

Thank you again to the Honorable Bill Huizenga, and the CLS Team Members for making all of this celebration possible!

CLS Image Service Area Map